Multiple Lead Cutters/Flat Pack Formers
These tools cut multiple leads and then form them into a dog leg in one easy operation.
- LONG TealShield™ Antimicrobial Cushioned grips - Anti-Static (10¹⁰ ohms/sq)
- MOLDED TealShield™ Antimicrobial Grips - Anti-Static (10¹⁰ ohms/sq)
- 500-13A-US forms a "Gull Wing" and cuts multiple leads (.375" wide) to length on flat packs.
- 907-13A forms a "Gull Wing" and cuts multiple leads (.50" wide) to length on flat packs.
- 500-13B-US forms a ''Gull Wing' and cuts multiple leads (.25" wide) to length on QFP and SOIC packages.
- 907-IC cuts and forms up to 8 I.C. leads. Leads are cut and formed out or in for surface mounting of standard D.I.P/IC.