The 70° angulated relieved round head (15A-RW) cutting tweezers are ideal for general purpose cutting of soft wire up to a diameter of 0.010"(.25mm). These tools are also great for very detailed cutting of flashing off of plastic molds. The cutting blades are much shorter than the 15A-GW and the top of the head has been rounded for better visibility. Most are made of carbon steel with flame hardened tips. Those with epoxy coating have a surface resistivity of 10⁵ - 10⁶ 0hms/sq.
Msuffix denotes Non Epoxy Coated
OFsuffix denotes Optimum Flush Cut
PBsuffix denotes Parallel Cutting Blades
ET *suffix denotes Cushioned Antimicrobial Ergonomic Grip (10¹⁰ ohms/sq)